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Get heart healthy!

Cardiovascular health is central to overall good health —
you are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart!
About Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing approximately the same amount of people each year as cancer, lower respiratory diseases and accidents combined. According to the New Jersey Department of Health, one in three adults live with some cardiovascular* disease. Heart disease is also the most preventable health problem.

Family history, obesity and diet, physical inactivity, and diabetes are some factors that put your heart at the greatest risk. Forty-nine percent of Americans have at least one of these heart risk factors – smoking, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

* Cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease.
Life's Essential 8

The American Heart Association has identified Life’s Essential 8, eight key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health.


Some of the tips for Heart Health include:

  1. Eat Better

  2. Be More Active

  3. Quit Tobacco

  4. Get Healthy Sleep

  5. Manage Weight

  6. Control Cholesterol

  7. Manage Blood Sugar

  8. Manage Blood Pressure

Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.

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Whoever your heart beats for, our hearts beat for you. The following benefits are available to help you prevent,  manage, and treat cardiovascular disease.
Find Care

BHealthy Care Navigation can help you find a primary care doctor or cardiologist, book free preventative screenings*, and more. Available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., call 844-424-2628 to learn more.

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* Preventative screenings recommended by U.S. Preventative Services Task Force are covered at 100% by RWJBH’s health plan when received at an in-network doctor.
Focus on Prevention

BHealthy Wellness provides extensive resources to help you prevent heart disease and stay healthy, including:

  • Access to Health Coaches, with one-on-one support for nutrition, weight loss, and exercise.

  • Save up to $600 on your 2025 medical plan premiums by earning points for engaging in preventative screenings and activities. Log your points online at Virgin Pulse.

  • Online learning about heart care, including Life’s Essential 8 topics and more, through Virgin Pulse.

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Manage your Heart Disease

The Care Management team helps you manage your chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, via a dedicated team of nurses and care condition specialists who provide personalized and 100% confidential support.

  • Diabetes Mellitus is a strong risk factor for heart disease. The National Cholesterol Education Program considers type 2 diabetes to be a heart disease equivalent, elevating it to its highest risk category.

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Quit Smoking

The Institute for Prevention and Recovery (IFPR) can help you kick your nicotine addiction once and for all.

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Manage your Mental Health

Cardiovascular disease can be stressful. There are free, 100% confidential mental wellbeing resources available to help you and your loved ones manage.​

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Give your heart a head start!

Click on the infographic below to get the facts on heart health.
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